
Female (She/Her). English/Japanese. I love talking about Kiseki and looking forward to the next release. I love Musse a lot!!! I also play games casually (FF7R, fe3h, Nier etc) and like it when people recommend nice things like books!I'm playing Kuro 1 (2nd playthrough) and will play Kuro no Kiseki II Crimson Sin. Tags are #Kuro and #Kuro2
I get overwhelmed easily and may not follow back immediately → Please read BYF.

Musse Art is by the artist @Troz88860
Musse Twitter profile picture is by @iphis233
Aerith Twitter header is by @Simite0117

Before You Follow

Hi there! I hope you're into Kiseki because I tend to persistently talk about it all the time :)I'm not spoiler free, especially for all Kiseki games up to CS4.But I do use spoiler tags and fusetter. Especially for new releases in Japanese. Spoiler tags are
#Hajimari #Kuro #Kuro2
For Hajimari C spoilers I retweeted them from December 2020 and stopped officially around Nov 2021***I GET OVERWHELMED EASILY (I'm really sorry!)
I used to follow accounts carelessly and wasn't paying attention until I realized I had made a big mess. So, I had to do some unfollowing/softblock and it still makes me sad--and I'm a bit reluctant to follow new followers back since I still haven't sorted it out. UM, PLEASE feel free to interact even if we're not mutuals yet. I tend to follow back if I know you better and if I notice I enjoy what you regularly tweet.
Btw I'm really bad at small talk and general conversation starter questions..... But I'm very happy to talk about my interests/opinions! I'm also happy to help with buying stuff/Japanese/Kiseki related questions/translation comments/problems if you feel I can help!

***I'm really happy if you were interested enough to read this and perhaps want to be friends despite all that! Thank you for dropping by!

***Questions? Please feel free to DM or CuriousCat!
I also enjoy chatting in DM if there's anything specific you want to know from me or you want to dive in about spoilers.

Kiseki tierlist!

My favorite Kiseki game is Hajimari! But I still love the scenario writing in the Crossbell arc more. I owe my love to the series to CS2 because it made me play all the rest to catch up. I talk about CS3-4 a lot because I love a lot of things but also have mixed feelings for others.Best girl trio: Musse-Renne-Nadia !
I also love Lif (CEO of ElfenTech, Princess of Remiferia, childhood friends with Musse)
PS. I need to update this with Kuro! For Kuro I like Agnes a lot!! I also like everyone: Van, Feri, Aaron, Quatre, Renne, Shizuna, Elaine etc

Um, yeah, I still hate Rufus after Hajimari !!PS. If picture doesn't show fully right click show picture

Stuff I wrote / Musse essays

20 Reasons why I love Musse
Twitter post
(spoils CS3, has a break before CS4 spoilers)
Translation comments + Koyu's fangirling for Musse's bonding events in CS4
(1) Bonding event #1 (Act.2-1)
(2) Bonding event #2 (Act.2-4)
(3) Bonding event #3 (Act.3-1)
Kuro no kiseki impressions (spoilers)
Fusetter main page
for tweets search @koyushii #kuro
Koyu's Hajimari spoiler reactions
On the demo (Prologue)
After learning C's identity
On the Last chapter and Ch.3-4
On Final chapter boss
On FInal chapter boss fight
Nearly at the ending
Hajimari became my favorite Kiseki game in terms of total enjoyment. That's how much I love it!
Summary of The Doll Knight
in 250-ish words
Thoughts on all girls CS4 romance routes (a curious cat answer that was way too long to post) pastebin